Welcome to The Trading Post
Shop opening hours
Saturday 9.00am-12.30pm
Sunday 9.00am-12.30pm
Please note that we are NOT currently able to accept
CARD PAYMENTS. Sorry for any inconvenience.
(There is a free cashpoint in the small shop at the end of
the road, or a Sainsbury garage on the main road.)
APRIL 13TH 2024
All prices correct at time of publication, but subject to change.
Local and seasonal
Locally Produced Honey!
£6 We still have some jars of this local treat in stock! |
Free Range Eggs
6 for £1.40 (last update 2023) Fresh free range eggs from a local farm. |
Seed Potatoes -
£2.80 per kilo If you're planning to grow spuds this year but have yet to buy them, we still have a selection of main, early, second earlies and salad seed potatoes in stock. Update - Still in stock on April 30th: Nicola, Wilja, Acoustic, Nadine, Pink Fir Apple, Maris Peer, Foremost, Kestrel, Arran Pilot, Sharpes Express. |
Onion Sets
£6 per kilo We have a good selection of onion and shallot sets in stock Red Sun Shallot Golden Gourmet Shallot Stuggart Onion Sturon Onion |
Vegetable, Flower and Herbs Seeds
Unwins Seeds
A wide range of vegetable and herb seeds from Unwins is available. |
Kings Seeds
We hold a good selection of vegetable seeds that are a really good buy, thanks to the NSALG membership discount. |
Flower Seeds
We also have a selection of flower seeds in stock. Perfect for attracting pollinators. |
Herbs are a great thing to grow on your plot. Great for eating and pollinators love them too. |
Compost and manure
We're pleased to be able to offer a range of Oaktree composts. We use these because of the consistently excellent quality.
Oaktree Horse Manure Compost
50 litre Large £3.90 or 3 for £11.00 (price check 20/4/24) Ideal for digging into your beds before planting or as a top dressing for crops. |
Oaktree Multi Purpose Compost
Large £3.90 or 3 for £11.00 Extra Large £6.50 or 3 for £17.50 (price check 20/4/24) Ideal for sowing seeds, potting
on or top dressing plants. |
Oaktree Growbags £4.75 Suitable for growing tomatoes,
cucumbers, peppers and other hungry salad crops. |
Oaktree Ericaceous Compost
£3.80 Suitable for acid loving plants,
such as blueberries and sweet potatoes. |
Fertilisers & Plant Food
New Horizon Organic
All Round Fertiliser An all-round organic fertiliser for digging into soil before planting, feeding established plants and dressing lawns. |
Maxicrop Organic Seaweed Meal
A compost activator & soil conditioner. Rich in minerals and trace elements and encourages beneficial soil bacteria. |
Phostrogen All Purpose
Plant Food Child and pet friendly soluble plant feed for all flowers, fruit and vegetables. Will make 40 watering cans worth when diluted. |
Maxicrop Organic
Seaweed Extract 500ml £5.90 Use on early and mature plants. Stimulates better root growth and development. |
doff Tomato Feed Concentrate
£2.20 - makes up to 150 litres Liquid Feed for tomato plants. Enriched with seaweed and magnesium for strong healthy growth. |
Baby Bio
A general all-purpose liquid feed for house plants. |
Potato Fertilizer
£1.70 per kilo General purpose balanced
fertilizer. Improves plant growth. Can be applied at planting & as a top dressing. |
Organic Chicken Manure Pellets
Ideal for soil enrichment and
improvement. 100% natural. Feeds for 3 months. |
Animal & Bird Feed
Chicken Feed
A good selection of chicken feed, mash, pellets and grit. |
Black Sunflower Seeds
With natural high oil content as well as protein and other vitamins and minerals, black sunflower seeds provide wild birds with the fats and energy they need. |
Fat Balls
Wild Bird Fat Balls are high energy suet balls to attract a wide variety of wild birds into your garden. Suitable for all year round feeding. |
Niger Seed
Attracts Goldfinches, Siskins, Redpoll and Coal Tits, amongst others. |
Pest & Disease Control
Slug Gone
£3 a bag Made from sheep fleece these pellets deter slugs and as they break down they feed your plants too. |
Repeller Ribbon
This iridescent tape flashes and reflects light to repel birds, deer and other nuisance animals. |
Fruit & Veg disease control
Treat peach leaf curl, apple and pear canker, cherry & plum canker, and blight on potatoes and outdoor tomatoes. |
doff Slug Pellets
£2.90 Suitable for organic gardening. |
doff Power Up Slug & Snail Killer
£5.60 Doff highly effective, long-lasting slug control. Rainproof for up to 14 days. |
Bio Slug Killer Pellets
£5.60 Breaks down naturally into iron and phosphate to enrich the soil around the plants. Suitable for organic gardening. |
doff Copper Slug Tape
£4.40 This adhesive copper tape deters lugs and snails more humanely, by giving them an unpleasant shock- like sensation when they touch it without killing them. |
Slugs Away Wool Pellets
£2.90 Wool-based pellets mixed with manure. Deters slugs and snails without using chemical controls. Manure adds additional nutrients, assisting plant growth. 100% biodegradable: suitable for organic gardening. |
Neudorff Greaseband
£4.45 Year round protection against insects which climb up tree trunks to lay their eggs in the crown. Highly effective against winter moth caterpillar & gives excellent protection against ants, greenfly and woolly aphids. |
Defenders Repeller Ribbon
£3.20 Reflects light to repel deer and other nuisance animals, and the wind causes it to make a flickering noise and move. |
Growing Success Whitefly Traps
£2.50 Controls flying insect pests including whitefly, blackfly, greenfly, thrips and midges. |
Various Ant & Crawling Insect
Powders £3.50 |
Also in the shop...
Various netting, Enviromesh, black plastic, heavy duty porous groundcover, pea netting, Crop Cosy, logs, greenhouse nuts, bolts & Z
clips, string, twine, jute, plant labels, marker pens, canes, horticultural sand,grit, vermiculite, perlite, compost activator, grass seed, lawn
sand, pond pellets, bird seed, fat balls, bird feeders, secondhand tools and much more!
clips, string, twine, jute, plant labels, marker pens, canes, horticultural sand,grit, vermiculite, perlite, compost activator, grass seed, lawn
sand, pond pellets, bird seed, fat balls, bird feeders, secondhand tools and much more!